Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week One

Well, I hadn't been that nervous for years!  There's something about teacher turning pupil that is very scary!  I know what to do, know how to do it and tell the children what to do, but could I do any of it??  Could I even do the warm up?  When was the last time I did a forward roll??  Can I still do a forward roll??  Just how much would Steve laugh?? lol

It wasn't until I lined up to start the warm-up that it suddenly dawned on me - forget the forward roll - could I even hop the length of the two floor mats???  Eek!  I just about managed it, and most of the rest of the warm-up, but the forward roll was a bit of a wake up call!  I could do it (although I can't stand up at the end), but oh dear, how dizzy does it make you feel???  I really felt for the lady who was doing the class with me as she had to sit out for a while she got so dizzy.  It took four or five attempts to put the dizziness at bay, after that, it wasn't so bad.

We were doing trampette work today.  Starting off with just jumping onto the mats, going on to forward rolls.  I have to say I absolutely loved it!  Looking at the photos I do feel sorry for the poor trampette, but it just about made it I think!

At the end of the session we did some stretching and I thought I'd see if I could still get down into the splits.  I've tried it a few times when helping the kids in class, but not really got down that far.  Here I am giving it another go.  All I can say is that it's a blooming good job I can laugh at myself - the first photo is priceless!
Still a bit of work to be done, but not too bad!!

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